Final fix ERR DNS PROBE FINISHED NO INTERNET or NO WIFI in W-10 (HP Elitebook 9470m) Fast Strart-up

Описание к видео Final fix ERR DNS PROBE FINISHED NO INTERNET or NO WIFI in W-10 (HP Elitebook 9470m) Fast Strart-up

Update October 2023
You can read the earlier information I wrote below and see if that works for you (the video covers that information).
I did have the solution (below) but that stopped working a few months ago.
Even with Fast Start Up switched off the problem is back - almost the same as before.
It took a bit of experimenting but I found the problem now resides with Auto-Connect on the Windows-10 desktop menu. Untick the Auto Connect box on the desktop pop up menu.
What this means is that I have to manualy connect to the internet using that same pop-up menu. Clicking on Connect works every time.
A bit of a nuisance but much faster than restarting the laptop.......
Which now does not always work (bloody windows)

The pop up menu I am talking about is accessed this way -
Go to your desktop
Move your cursor to the bottom task bar
Click on Hidden Icons
Click on the Internet Access icon
Click on your router ID
If Connect Automatically is ticked then untick it.
If the option to Disconnect is offered then click on it.
Click on Connect.
To start up the computer and go on the web is now -
Boot up the PC as normal
Hidden Icons
Internet Access Icon
Your router

Keeping my laptop from landfill is the aim.

June 2021 - - - - - - - - - - my original advice- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Common advice for fixing Boot-up issues with the internet connection on Windows-10 are -

Set internet protocol version 4
Winsock reset
Renew IP address
Change DNS
Restart computer (which always worked for me)

I have tried all of these fixes and they worked great for a week or so then the problem came back.
Restarting the computer was the simplest and so I struggled along with that.
Then I discovered Fast-start -
or as I call it
the cuplrit !

Instead of those methods I mentioned above; do the following -

At the Windows-10 home screen
1. Click on the Windows emblem at the bottom left of the screen
2. Open Settings.
3. Click on System.
4. Click on Power and Sleep
5. Scroll down on the right side and click on Additional Power Settings
6. Click the Choose what the power buttons do option from the left navigation panel.
7. Click the Change settings that are currently unavailable option.
8. At the bottom of that same window, there is a "Shutdown settings" section, remove the check for Turn on Fast Startup Option (switching off Fast Start-up).
9. Click the Save changes button.

To explain what is happening -
This internet problem revolves around the Fast Start-up feature that makes Windows-10 so quick at boot up.
(MS make this a big selling point for Windows-10).
The Fast Start-up feature means that software/drivers are put in a flagged status at shut-down.
So at the next boot-up, Windows-10 will open the software/drivers at the same point so reducing boot-up time.
In the case of the scenarios that produce errors such as -
DNS Probe
No Internet
Secured connection
There is a conflict between the Fast Start-up feature and the drivers for ethernet and WiFi
It should be noted, the reason restarting the computer always cleared the problem was that Windows-10 always does a full unflagged shut-down prior to booting up again (which adds up as Windows-10 restarts always took longer than shut-down followed by normal boot-up).
Makes one think that Windows knew this issue existed and left a back door to work around it.
So anyway, I figured out this fix because restarting my laptop always cleared the problem for a very short time.
I then tied that in with Windows-10 Fast Start-up and its method for speeding up boot-up times and the fact that the Fast start-up feature is purposely blocked when a Restart is done in Windows-10 .
Preventing the Fast Start-up cured the Wifi/ethernet problem completely.
So if it has worked for you, please give me a like or add a comment.

I have just found out that my computer exhibits the same interent faults if I try to use Hibernate. That is not surprising. Hibernate is doing the same thing as Fast-start Up.
I was watching a Youtube about the history of the Blue screen (death) in Windows which reminded me that one of the other problems I was having was occasionally I got the Blue Screen after coming out of sleep mode.
Switching off Fast Start-up has cured that also,


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