How The U.S Leaves Behind Its Own American Territories | AJ+

Описание к видео How The U.S Leaves Behind Its Own American Territories | AJ+

Four million Americans live in the U.S. territories and are eligible to serve in the U.S Military, while having no rights to vote for president. Why is that?
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#PuertoRico #USTerritories #Guam

We break down what second-class citizen life is like in the five territories of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands and American Samoa and the U.S leaves them behind.

Watch these videos to learn about the U.S. territory of Guam:

How The U.S. Territory Of Guam Became An American Colony
   • How The U.S. Territory Of Guam Became...  

Should U.S. Territories Like Guam Be Independent?
   • Should U.S. Territories Like Guam Be ...  

Why SPAM Is So Popular In Guam
   • Why SPAM Is So Popular In Guam | AJ+  

What Does It Mean To Be Indigenous And From A U.S. Colony?
   • Inside Indigenous Life In A U.S Terri...  

Music tracks courtesy of APM and Audio Networks.

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