Piles & Constipation - Why Combination Treatment Is The Best Method

Описание к видео Piles & Constipation - Why Combination Treatment Is The Best Method

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0:00 - Introduction
01:21 - Homeopathic medicine Aesculus Hippocastanum for painful piles
02:10 - Nux vomica for constipation (when bowels does not clear in one go) and piles
03:04 - Hamamelis and Millefolium for bleeding piles
04:09 - Bryonia Alba for dry, hard stool
05:08 - Alumina for constipation with normal or soft stool with reduced urge or excessive straining to pass it
06:06 - Chronic constipation may lead to anal fissure and prolapsed piles
06:18 - Ratanhia for anal fissure
07:00 - Aloe Socotrina for prolapsed piles
07:33 - Calcarea Fluor for bleeding piles and prolapsed piles

This video talks about piles and its effective homeopathic treatment. A discussion is made of homeopathic medicines for treating painful piles, bleeding piles and prolapsed piles. Constipation is one of the major reasons for development of piles. In this video homeopathic medicines for treating constipation as well as medicines in combination for treating constipation and piles are also mentioned.

Firstly for painful piles, the medicine that I have found most effective is Aesculus Hippocastanum. It can be taken in 30C potency twice a day (morning and evening).

For constipation when bowels do not clear in one go in morning then most effective medicine is Nux Vomica. I advise to take Nux Vomica 200C at bedtime for this complaint. For painful piles and constipation of this type, you may take combination of Nux Vomica 200C at bedtime along with Aesculus 30C twice a day. Nux Vomica is an effective medicine for piles as well as constipation.

Coming to bleeding piles, two very important medicines are Millefolium and Hamamelis. To treat bleeding piles, Hamamelis is my first choice. I use Millefolium if Hamamelis does not give good results. Hamamelis 30C can be taken twice a day for bleeding piles.

Bleeding piles commonly occur from hard, dry stool. When such stool passes through rectum and anal canal, it touches and peels off the swollen haemorrhoids resulting in bleeding. For treating bleeding piles the most important thing is to keep the stool soft. Homeopathic medicine Bryonia Alba is very effective for treating constipation with dry hard stool. For bleeding piles along with dry hard stool, I suggest to take Hamamelis 30C twice a day and Bryonia Alba 200C at bed time for about 15 to 20 days. If there is bleeding with ineffectual stool (when bowels do not clear in one go in morning) then Nux Vomica 200C can be taken at bedtime along with Hamamelis 30C in day. If there is soft / normal stool but reduced desire to pass stool or it requires excessive straining then Alumina is very helpful. You may take Hamamelis 30C twice a day along with Alumina 200C at bedtime if there is bleeding and stool is soft but requires straining.

Chronic constipation and chronic piles commonly leads to development of anal fissure and prolapsed piles. Anal fissure refers to cut in anal area which is very painful and bleed sometimes for which medicine Ratanhia is very effective. Ratanhia 30C can be taken 3 to 4 times a day for pain from fissures. If there is constipation along with it then you may take medicines mentioned above after selecting as per the symptom indication. Next for prolapsed piles homeopathic medicine Aloe Socotrina proves very effective. It can be taken 2 to 3 times a day in 30C potency. Along with this if there is constipation then you may take medicines mentioned above as per the symptoms indication in combination with Aloe. Another medicine Calcarea flour 6x is effective for bleeding piles and chronic piles especially that have prolapsed. It may be taken in 6x potency 4 tabs in morning and 4 tabs in evening along with medicine for constipation at night time.


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