76歲“國寶級”繪本奶奶:孩子的讀物,不能有0.01%的差錯 76-year-old "national treasure" picture book painter

Описание к видео 76歲“國寶級”繪本奶奶:孩子的讀物,不能有0.01%的差錯 76-year-old "national treasure" picture book painter


Recently, the illustration of the primary school textbook published by People’s Education Press has caused a national controversy. Not long ago, we remotely interviewed Cai Gao who now lives in Changsha, a 76-year-old pioneer and master in the field of original Chinese picture book. Cai Gao believes that childhood deserves the best things, "Children's sensations are open, so even the slightest mistake in Children’s book is unforgivable.”

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