Auschwitz ( La canzone del bambino nel vento ) - Nomadi 🎙️🎸 Acustic Version - Text in description -

Описание к видео Auschwitz ( La canzone del bambino nel vento ) - Nomadi 🎙️🎸 Acustic Version - Text in description -

💔 Nel giorno della memoria , una mia versione acustica .
Non bastano canzoni di speranza di pace, purtroppo l'uomo resta la razza più disumana della terra.
Per fortuna non tutti sono così.
Ma l'uomo non ha imparato nulla 💔

On the day of remembrance, my acoustic version.
Songs of hope and peace are not enough, unfortunately man remains the most inhuman race on earth
Luckily, not all of us are like that
.But the man learned nothing 🏳️‍🌈


I died with a hundred others I died when I was a child Passed through the fireplace And now I'm in the wind (And now I'm in the wind) There was snow in Auschwitz The smoke rose slowly In the cold winter day And now I'm in the wind (And now I'm in the wind) Many people in Auschwitz But just one great silence It's strange: I still can't Smiling here in the wind (To smile here in the wind) I ask how can man Killing one of his brothers Yet there are millions of us Dusted here in the wind (Dust here in the wind) And the cannon thunders again And she's still not happy The human beast is bloodied And still the wind brings us (And still the wind carries us) I ask when it will be That man can learn To live without killing And the wind will settle (And the wind will settle) I ask when it will be That man can learn To live without killing And the wind will settle (And the wind will settle) And the wind will settle


#Auschwitz #nomadi #acusticcover #studiofrakanta


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