6 Things You Can Do To Break 1200 - Chess Tips, Strategy, Ideas - How To Get Better At Chess!

Описание к видео 6 Things You Can Do To Break 1200 - Chess Tips, Strategy, Ideas - How To Get Better At Chess!

Recommended Endgame Book:
☞Winning Chess Endgames 📘♜ https://amzn.to/3sqS1hy 📘♜

Recommended Tactics Books:
☞ 1001 Deadly Checkmates https://amzn.to/3tSVqWL ♜📘
☞ 1001 Brilliant Ways to Checkmate https://amzn.to/31oPNU1 ♜📙

Practice Chess Here ♚ ♛ https://chess.com?ref_id=5885046 ♚ ♛

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In this video I share 6 reasons chess players get stuck at the 1200 chess rating and below. I will share tips and tricks on how to get better at chess and improve your chess rating quickly and push past 1200 to reach 1300,1400, and beyond. I will talk about how to avoid making blunders as often, how to properly defend a pawn storm attack on your king, how to avoid the back rank checkmate, how to better handle chess endgames, and the importance of the 2nd and 7th ranks in chess. Please comment below and let me know if you've passed 1200 for the first time!


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