D&D Dungeon of the Mad Mage - Session 85 - Swan Dive (into 2025)

Описание к видео D&D Dungeon of the Mad Mage - Session 85 - Swan Dive (into 2025)

Things got a bit hectic last time we were here. How did it get to this though, well... I'll tell you.
After having sealthed through (and slaughtered most) of the hobgoblins here, the party then found themselves up against some Hellhounds. Seeking to just slip past the party like lil jon decided to Get Low and sneak.

Well that went horribly and the party failed. TO make up for this.. Tumbleweed cast a spell with a vocal component... 4 Fire Giants and 5 Hellhounds later: George & Ronan were hiding in sarcophagi, Luna was hiding behind a pillar, King & Tumbleweed are dead and Tylgwynn lies at the bottom the same same pit as King.

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Music by @MichaelGhelfiStudios & Ivan Duch.
Michael Ghelfi Studios:   / michaelghelfi  
Ivan Dutch -   / ivanduch  

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