Toad Obliteration (Thread Luxcavation "Envy")

Описание к видео Toad Obliteration (Thread Luxcavation "Envy")

There is more effective methods indeed, yet I prefer this one in reason of how risk-free it is:

This Abnormality focuses on Sanity drain to your Sinners, a perfect opportunity to use E.G.O Corrosion at your advantage by bringing a Blunt resistant ID that can fuel a powerful Envy Sin Affinity E.G.O (preferable with Attack Weight)
Considering the interesting way Electric Screaming works like, there is no risk from getting hit to fatal thresholds while Corroded, as Don will be alive nonetheless.

Field Support are solely focused in damage. The other cannot be enabled through Sin affinities available.

The art about Blubbering Toad getting an spoonful in its eye socket was made once again by ‪@73emilitus‬.


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