Tomohisa Yamashita

Описание к видео Tomohisa Yamashita

I don't have a dirty mind but i just have a sexy imagination.. 😉Pov me, sexy is the confident energy with unique charm from a person. Sexy is the comfortable feeling of being who you are. Sexy is not just a beautiful body or face but its beyond that…it comes from within!

私はスケベ心を持っているわけではありませんが、ただセクシーな想像力を持っているだけです...セクシーさとは、その人が持つ独特の魅力と自信に満ちたエネルギーだと思う。 セクシーとは、ありのままの自分でいることの心地よさだ。 セクシーとは、美しい体や顔だけでなく、その先にあるもの......自分の内面からのもの。


😌 Appearance is just a trick to attract people to fall into one, what really makes people fall deeper into it is charisma, and this is when the power of inner beauty is key! Since you have both, Its hard to resist even if I pretend to be in an extra rationale! There's a desire to know more about you somehow 😂 make me go insane!!😝


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