AI readiness & impact How much compute will we really need?

Описание к видео AI readiness & impact How much compute will we really need?

At Cloud & Infrastructure Edge, Rahul emphasises the necessity of having the right cloud infrastructure and engineering capabilities to support AI initiatives, articulating value-driven use cases and ensuring robust security measures.

He advocates for a balanced approach that tempers enthusiasm for AI with practical and secure implementation strategies. 

Sarah Carney highlights the importance of assessing the return on investment (ROI) for AI projects.

Organisations should allocate funds for experimentation while concentrating on high-value use cases to maximise potential benefits.

There are risks associated with the hype cycle of AI.

Without proper education, regulation and responsible AI frameworks, organisations might experience a trough of disillusionment where initial excitement turns into disappointment due to unmet expectations.

Strategic planning and data governance are critical factors for successful AI deployment. 

Craig Scroggie discussed the challenges of building the compute infrastructure necessary to support AI advancements, noting a significant shift from general-purpose to accelerated computing, which requires substantial capital and infrastructure investment.

He stresses the importance of scalable and sustainable data centres to support AI-driven growth and emphasises collaboration with cloud providers like Microsoft and Amazon.

Craig highlights the rapid increase in compute density and the need for robust infrastructure to meet future demands, ensuring that organisations are well-prepared to navigate the evolving AI landscape. 

Key takeaways: 
- Balanced AI implementation: Robust cloud infrastructure and engineering capabilities are essential. Focus on a practical and secure approach to AI implementation. 
- Strategic planning and ROI: Assessing ROI for AI projects is important as well as the need for strategic planning, proper education, and responsible frameworks to avoid the AI hype cycle's pitfalls. 
- Infrastructure and collaboration: There is the need for scalable, sustainable data centres and collaboration with cloud providers to meet future AI demands.

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