Moe Norman Was My Friend - Segment 1 - The Beginning

Описание к видео Moe Norman Was My Friend - Segment 1 - The Beginning

Moe Norman was my friend - Segment-1:

In 1987, I discovered an improved grip for playing golf. It has been labeled the “Single-Axis” grip. The grip is taken in the lifeline of the trailing hand and forms a single axis with the bottom of the forearm.

News Articles stated, “Success isn’t just stroke of luck” and “Right Way Golf was – A REVOLUTIONARY IDEA.

The system was originally marketed by AMWAY as Right Way Golf. Later, I changed to a different marketing strategy and started the company known as Natural Golf.

From 1987 to 1990, Single-Axis golf began to make sense to a lot of frustrated traditional golfers. In 1990, I was explaining the science of the golf swing to a small group of people in California. Mark Evershed, a Canadian Golf professional and a very close friend of a Canadian golfer named Moe Norman, was in attendance. When I finished, Mark said, “You’re describing the mechanics of Moe Norman.” I responded with, “What’s a Moe Norman?”

Mark sent me a video made by a Canadian TV station in 1988:

As soon as I saw Moe’s swing, I knew, scientifically that I was watching the simplest and most effective golf mechanics of any golfer to have ever played the game. I now had proof that Single-Axis mechanics were superior to traditional mechanics. From this video, it was clear to me that Moe could not be an effective spokesperson due to his shyness.

However, when I approached PGA teachers about my concept, their general attitude was one of condescension. Most would make a statement like, “I don’t like you and I don’t like what you’re pushing.” After one such experience, I responded to this PGA teacher with, “But, I can teach you to hit a golf ball like Moe Norman.” He immediately responded with, “O, show me what you’re doing again.” I realized I didn’t need Moe to be a spokesperson; I just needed the use of his name. As Lee Trevino has said in the video, “He’s a legend with teaching professionals who knows Moe as the Canadian guy who hits it so damn good.” This was the start of a two year adventure into setting up a first meeting with Moe.


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