A Proud American (Song for the Naturalized American Citizen)

Описание к видео A Proud American (Song for the Naturalized American Citizen)

A Proud American

Not one of our bounties does he disregard
His patriotism is true
So proud is this American man
His favorite colors are Red, White & Blue

He gave up the country he'd called his home
To journey down streets paved with gold
He found here a secret, known only to those
Invited into our fold

A group in a courtroom, but he stood most proud
An awesome sight to see
Fellow souls with a common bond as they spoke
An oath, that would… set…. them… free

I hereby declare, on oath
Give me your tired
I will support and defend
And give me your poor
The Constitution and laws of the United States of America
I lift my lamp beside the golden door
I take this obligation, FREELY

In the wake of a tragic September day
He shared his thoughts of the USA

I admire your adventurous nature
Your achievements in this great land
And I'm glad you'll not know how it feels to be free
From the grip of a tightening hand

Here in this land, our freedom's a right,
And I'd fight for that right, need be
In America, I can soar free… like an Eagle
Humanity's promise is she, Liberty

Not one of our bounties does he disregard
His patriotism is true
So proud is this American man
His favorite colors are Red, White & Blue

Please look beyond the clothes he wears,
Endeavor to be his friend
Know his heart, then decide from your heart, who he is
Your fellow American

Not one of our bounties does he disregard
His patriotism is true
So proud is this American man
His favorite colors are Red, White & Blue

America's Secret, is it's promise, you see
I LOVE THIS COUNTRY, is what he said, to me

© 9/28/2001 Constance A. Zimmermann, ASCAP


Dawn Leaumont

Lawrence Sieberth

Charlie Miller

Snare Drum:
Logan Baudean

Words & Melody:
C.A. Zimmermann


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