Idols 100% xxl extreme demon

Описание к видео Idols 100% xxl extreme demon

lvl desc/experience:
It was descently hard to learn but after that the level got really consistent, probably the best consistency I've ever had on an extreme demon so far. One thing that is bad about this Idols is the 40-45% part becaus all the jumps are blind and for some reason some of the tripple spikes move towards you or away from you. If you would like to try an xl extreme totally go for this it's a great level.

creators: SrGraton, Fufafac, Selun, Zafkiel7, Kiinex, Oasiz, Goyuki, geometrytom, Auntex, Xuranox, Bermard, Axdrel, Dirisµ, Zenthisuper, Herdys, yuno, Zed Aurum, Hko, Hoshikido, FarDreamer
verifier: Dorami
publisher: Zafkiel7
placement on aredl: 561
enjoyment: 9.5/10
worst fail before completion: 63%


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