PixelFX RetroGEM is SO GOOD!

Описание к видео PixelFX RetroGEM is SO GOOD!

Want me to do something a more in-depth, stream N64 games, learn JTAG to update the GameBox 64HD, other things? Let me know in the comments!

The RetroGEM is awesome, sounds great, looks great, simply works; and can't wait for the PS2 fulfillment!

Shop: https://renewedgamingrelics.com
Discord:   / discord  
Twitch:   / pedroplatinum  

► PixelFX: https://www.pixelfx.co/
► Install Doc: https://docs.pixelfx.co/GEM-N64-Insta...
► Jumper Config; https://docs.pixelfx.co/fxdigital-con...
► No Cut Shroud: https://www.laserbear.net/products/n6...


Информация по комментариям в разработке