Описание к видео UZ REKU DRINU / MOJA RUZA - 2024 ALBUM

A large part of my love for music is due to contemplative moments, when certain places I visited in the world awakened my thoughts and feelings. Contemplation is a specific process of the artist and it generates the artistic gesture, the artist has always been a mirror of reality. So, my feelings were born for the first time in this case in 1990 somewhere on the top of a hill, on the ruins of the Kula Grada fortress in Zvornik, in the sound of woods, birds and water, and pieces of music that touched my ears from the houses scattered over the hills, contemplating everything, very far from my home, at the age of 22, having a large group of young Bosnian and Serbian friends there, extraordinary hosts and particularly warm people. I think many of them are no longer alive.

Of course, the music posted and made this time with a lot of help from the new AI tools, and the lyrics written by me, is just an attempt to draw attention to the beauty of those places I visited 35 years ago (as a keyboard player in a group of musicians) near the Drina river and its history that must not be forgotten. All my life I felt the need to talk about that experience that happened in an idyllic place, but overshadowed by strictly political and religious tensions, which manipulated the situation into a heinous crime that extended to some innocent souls who lost their lives then, i.e. around 8000 people killed. And unfortunately, in the world, this story continues. Music cannot erase our sins, but only tells it in its own way. We must stop this and stop pretending that we are human beings without the ability to control our own instincts, which unfortunately also involve violent acts. This is why we have the conscience and the power to choose between good and bad, or stupid thinks. It's not about the clothes or the beliefs that make us human, only the choices we make.

Well, "Moja Ruza" (My Rose) and about this Drina journey I already said in the previous post. I lived in my youth for a few months at the border that the Drina river marks between Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina in the area of ​​the city of Zvornik, which stretches on both banks of the river. I was amazed as a musician by the diversity of styles brought by history in that area.

The road that crosses Serbia to Bosnia there passes through an area called "Timočka Krajina" (populated by many Romanians (Vlaški) who live there with all their cultural baggage, in the middle of Serbia), and as you get closer to the Drina river, the sound it changes color due to the legacies left by the Turks, Jews, Bulgarians, Croats, Greeks or Roma, Byzantine influences as well and of course the Slavic ones specific to the populations living in the valleys of the Balkan mountains.

I was also disturbed by the events of the war that followed immediately after I returned to my country, Romania. And I refer to the genocide that took place in Zvornik and its surroundings, the biggest genocide after World War II in Europe. Being already very disturbed by the bloody revolution in my country and the fall of the Red regime led by Nicolae Ceausescu from those years '89-'90, when I also lost friends, some young people only, 17-20 years old, the age that I had it then too.

We have too a huge diversity folckore because we share a similar history even if we are not physically in the Balkans but in the Carpathian mountain arc and which is practically an island of Latinity. But obviously the roots of our countries are lost in the first archaeological evidence of civilization in continental Europe, more than 10,000 years B.C. reported in the territories of today's Bulgaria and Romania (ex Dacia). At least, from the Greek Harp, a well-known symbol of the arts, the journey of sound to this day remains fascinating.

So, we should not be surprised why the song of a whale, heard from the middle of a mountain lake without connection to the ocean, sounds strange.. and explains history better than any history book written by some historian for a political, religious or territorial reason. However, I would like to point out the rhythmic and complex diversity of their music and the virtuosity with which they perform on instruments, most often without having musical studies. Hats off!
Enjoy the audition!

"Moja Ruza" (My Rose)

Znaš gde Drina teče
Kroz brda i dolina
Nosila je tolike suze
Moja ruža ...

Kako su lijepi oblaci
Nad Kula grada sjajnog
Sećam li se njenih očiju
Ooo moja ljubav, moja ljubav

Gde si ti o gde si ti
U snovima te gledam
Pitam se da li čuješ
Moj tihi zov tebi

Kako su lijepi oblaci
Nad Kula grada sjajnog
Sećam li se njenih očiju
Ooo moja ljubav, moja ljubav ...

Dok reka tiho teče
Ja tražim tvoj miris
Možda negde daleko
Još čekam te ja

Vetrovi nose priče
O našim starim danima
Pod suncem i mesečinom
Ooo moja ružo draga.
Moja ružo draga.
Sjećaš se toga?
Volim te


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