Episode 1 Parental Peer and Media Influences on Female Interests and Gender Roles

Описание к видео Episode 1 Parental Peer and Media Influences on Female Interests and Gender Roles

Additional Resources
- How to Create Space for Open Conversation by Families for Change
- Gender Creative Parenting by PsychologyToday
- Gender Responsive Parenting by UNISEF
- The Family: A Proclamation to the World by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Braun, S., & Davidson, A. (2017). Gender (Non)conformity in Middle Childhood: A Mixed Methods Approach to Understanding Gender-Typed Behavior, Friendship, and Peer Preference. Sex Roles, 77(1–2), 16–29.

Coyne, S. M., Linder, J. R., Rasmussen, E. E., Nelson, D. A., & Birkbeck, V. (2016). Pretty as a princess: Longitudinal effects of engagement with Disney Princesses on gender stereotypes, body esteem, and prosocial behavior in children. Child Development, 87(6), 1909–1925.

Lagaert, S., Van Houtte, M., & Roose, H. (2017). Engendering culture: The relationship of gender identity and pressure for gender conformity with adolescents’ interests in the arts and literature. Sex Roles, 77(7–8), 482–495.

Loy, P., & Norland, S. (1981). Parent and Peer Influences on Adolescents’ Gender Expectations. Youth & Society, 13(2), 175.

Mahfouda, S., Maybery, M., Moore, J., Perry, Y., Strauss, P., Zepf, F., & Lin, A. (2023). Gender non-conformity in childhood and adolescence and mental health through to adulthood: a longitudinal cohort study, 1995–2018. Psychological Medicine, 53(16), 7756–7765.

Nielson, M. G., Schroeder, K. M., Martin, C. L., & Cook, R. E. (2020). Investigating the relation between gender typicality and pressure to conform to gender norms. Sex Roles, 83(9–10), 523–535.

Panchanathan, S. (2024, March 27). National Science Foundation. NSF.

Ullrich, R., Becker, M., & Scharf, J. (2022). The development of gender role attitudes during adolescence: Effects of sex, socioeconomic background, and cognitive abilities. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51(11), 2114–2129.


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