【KACBY2-R1】 Passionate Anthem 【MÖ†H þ̆】

Описание к видео 【KACBY2-R1】 Passionate Anthem 【MÖ†H þ̆】

“All häil to the MÖ†H GÖD“
MothPit, 2024

Note: The japanese column reading order is westernized to ensure readability for people with dyslexia or similar reading difficulties

▸ Script: https://tinyurl.com/ye2xb8tu
▸ Audio: https://tinyurl.com/ey8ufa26

▸ Original:    • PASSIONATE ANTHEM  
▸ Song Title: Passionate Anthem
▸ Artist: Roselia
▸ Instrumental: https://tinyurl.com/vmnrvt9y

▸ Script & Harmony: Shisuka

★ Vocalists ★
▸ Apple: https://tinyurl.com/2scc79j9
▸ MissYrr: https://bit.ly/3hgckbm
▸ Saku: https://tinyurl.com/2dnwfa3x
▸ Sasi: https://bit.ly/2ZHIpTB
▸ Schl4fy: https://tinyurl.com/42u3udj9
▸ Shisuka: https://tinyurl.com/msdvaeb

★ Artists ★
▸ Cocomushmoon : https://tinyurl.com/bdznd5ha (Character Artist)
▸ Schl4fy (Logo Design, Backgrounds)

★ Mixing ★
▸ Shisuka (Mixing, Timing, Tuning)

★ Animation ★
▸ Novocanine: https://tinyurl.com/fswvtpr9 (Character Rigging & Animation)
▸ Maultaschenprinz: https://linktr.ee/maultaschenprinz (Narrative & Motion Design)
▸ Sasi (Animation)
▸Tenkaiyo:   / tenkaiyo   (Animator)

★ Credits ★
▸ Asset List: https://tinyurl.com/ypbppdjm


Apple is approached by this violet stranger. "Your aura is intriguing.", they say. "You'd be a good match for our Club. Join us."
Apple didn't think twice, it was appealing. Upon joining though, she figured, that this club was a mere concealer to the student's actual purpose...

Upon boarding the Kawaakari-Academy there was a particular melange of worry and pugnacy in the air. Tension. Fear. Anticipation. Duteousness.

While most students were facing the future threats with valor, panic crept up to some few students. The panic of not being enough. The panic of being among the first fallen in battle.
A student found a scroll in the academy's library, announcing the advent of the moth god to those who worship it and lead the way with their LÄMPs.

The student acted upon the instructions. The best way to mask fear is to perform a shell of power. A cocoon of self-confidence. This was the birth of the "Cult of the LÄMP" - founded by students who hoped for the blessing of the moth god to enhance their powers to the levels of their fellows and beyond.

Believing in the moth god, dedication to its worshipping and feeling the belonging within the cult, they gained new assertiveness. From the timid, reclusive catarpillars grew chayotant moths.

This strange school club...nobody really knew, what exactly they were doing in there. But it transformed secluded wallflowers into impressive figures within the Kawaakari-Academy. Students nobody actually wanted to mess with.



MissYrr: "Nobody's more passionate than Lämp Club"
Shisuka: "We finally see light at the end of the tunnel. The tunnel being executive dysfunction 😌✨️"
Sasi: "My little caterpillar did great at being "scream support". 10/10"
Cocomushmoon: "Nice club, 10/10 can recommend ✨"
Maultaschenprinz: "You owe me at least 2 Doner Kebab now"
Saku: "Idk how but we did it 10/10"
Tenkaiyo: "Loved the google docs scavenger hunt 👍"
Novocanine: " Wait- what do you mean those were the wrong lines?! "

Moth Pit, 2024


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