LEAVING ON A JET PLANE 2023 Trailer | Cancer Story | Abhradip Ghatak | Padmaparna Mukherjee |

Описание к видео LEAVING ON A JET PLANE 2023 Trailer | Cancer Story | Abhradip Ghatak | Padmaparna Mukherjee |

Leaving on a Jet Plane
A cancer war and peace story

Soumen Das's wife Pompi died in 2019 for Ovarian cancer. After 7-8 months of
unbearable pain, Saumene's childhood companion, lover, wife, and mother of one
son, Pompey, died one late autumn night in a private nursing home in Howrah.
The bodies were brought to the far reaches of the Dooars in West Bengal, a tea
plantation surrounded by hills and deep jungles at Karbala Tea Estate.
Saumen is a below-middle-class factory worker.
In this small happy world, the death of Saumen's wife completely broke Saumen emotionally and financially.

Abhradip Ghatak was diagnosed with tongue cancer in 2014. The operation took
place in Mumbai. Radiation happened in Manipal and he beat cancer.
Ever since he got cancer, he has been working like a madman with unstoppable mental strength and impossible stamina .

Being a successful filmmaker, several documentaries, commercials, feature films,
short films and 23 international awards are now in my bag.

One morning in early 2023, Saumen first came to us with a strange proposal.
After the death of his wife, he wants Me to make a documentary film for his wife with
the little capital that is left, like some thousand Rupees.
This is the last wish of his life!

Padmaparna Mukherjee started working on a film on film within the film. She started planning to make a film about Pompi and Abhradip...

One who lost a fight against cancer and another who is a cancer survivor and a successful filmmaker.

Abhradip and Padmaparna traveled to the remote tea plantations of Dooars and took all the detailed
information regarding Soumen and his wife’s war against cancer.

The message of the documentary will be hopeful, that is, we want to convey the
the message of cancer awareness through this film along with Pompey's death, and the
the message of defeating cancer by making the right decision at the right time.


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