let's try a Korean lash lift kit from Amazon!

Описание к видео let's try a Korean lash lift kit from Amazon!

testing a Korean lash lift kit from amazon (CLIONE PRIME) for a DIY eyelash perm that lasts up to 8 weeks!

intro: 0:00
what's in the kit: 0:15
step one: 027
step two: 0:42
step three: 0:56
step four: 1:02
applying glue to the back: 1:24
applying glue to front: 2:21
brushing lashes up: 2:57
step seven: 3:51
perming solution: 4:22
crumbl cookie x dove: 5:18
neutralizer: 7:27
removing setting lotion: 8:04
lash conditioner: 8:12
removing perming rod: 8:34

lash lift kit: https://amzn.to/3Pmhyp0
almay eye makeup remover pads: https://amzn.to/401Qhxk

1. Clean lashes with lash shampoo (not included)
2. Apply eyelids on lower eyelid
3. Apply lash primer
4. Choose curling pad for desired curl
5. Apply glue to silicone pad and place on the upper lid close to the lash line
6. Apply glue to the top of the silicone pad
7. Using Y-brush comb lashes up to stick on the silicone pad
8. Apply step one lifting lotion to lashes, cover with saran- let process 9-13 minutes
9. Wipe off step one lotion
10. Apply step two setting lotion with clean applicator- let process for 8 minutes
11. Wipe off step two
12. Apply 3-1 lotion to lashes
13. Remove silicone pad from eyelid and wash lashes, pat dry

Lash results last 6-8 weeks

*my cooking channel: ‪@brittneealexuscooks‬
*my hair channel: ‪@brittneealexushair‬
*instagram:   / brittneealexus  
*crow box kits: https://www.brittneealexus.com/shop

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