カラスの水浴 エトゥㇷカマー イレㇸテ etuhkama irehte The Crow's Bathing

Описание к видео カラスの水浴 エトゥㇷカマー イレㇸテ etuhkama irehte The Crow's Bathing

I tried to recreate Ume Nishihira's 1958 performance of 'Etuhkama Irehte' - The Crow's Bathing.

メロディーを歌うときは「esohsoki to to」という歌詞で歌われます。
「to to」というのが、羽で水をパシャパシャする様子だとのことです。
西平さんはこの曲を etuhka ma irehte カラスが泳ぐ曲、cikah ma irehte 鳥が泳ぐ曲、
と説明していますが、歌詞の esohsoki というのはキツツキのことなので、
より古い伝承では「esohsoki ta ta(キツツキ 叩く 叩く)」が元の形かもしれません。

When the melody is sung, it is sung with the lyrics "esohsoki to to." The "to to" is said to represent the sound of wings splashing in the water. Ms. Nishihira explains this song as etuhka ma irehte, a song of the crow swimming, and cikah ma irehte, a song of the bird swimming. However, "esohsoki" in the lyrics refers to a woodpecker, so in an older tradition, the original form might have been "esohsoki ta ta" (woodpecker tapping, tapping).

In fact, Ms. Chikamah Kimura, who is about 10 years older than Ms. Ume, plays a very similar song and calls it the "Woodpecker Song," but says it is different from Ms. Nishihira's song. Perhaps Ms. Chikamah is being considerate of Ms. Ume. One could say that this song is a reflection of Ms. Ume's rich imagination.

I performed at the Blue Pond in Biei.


この動画はJSPS科研費 JP23K12066の助成を受けて作製しました。
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP23K12066.


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