絲路旅程之7 - 敦煌石窟「莫高窟 & 榆林窟」 Silk Road Journey - Mogao Caves & Yulin Caves

Описание к видео 絲路旅程之7 - 敦煌石窟「莫高窟 & 榆林窟」 Silk Road Journey - Mogao Caves & Yulin Caves

莫高窟,俗稱千佛洞,位於敦煌市西郊,是世界上現存規模最大,內容最豐富的佛教藝術地,也是研究敦煌學的聖地.莫高窟和雲岡石窟,龍門石窟是中國三大石窟,為世界文化遺產. 榆林窟開鑿在榆林河峽谷兩岸的斷崖上,又稱萬佛峽,現存洞窟四十三個,是敦煌石窟的重要組成部分,與莫高窟並稱為姊妹窟.
The Mogao Caves, also known as the Thousand Buddha Grottoes, form a system of 492 temples 25 km southeast of the Dunhuang city in Gansu, an oasis strategically located at a religious and cultural crossroads on the Silk Road. The Yulin Caves takes its name from the eponymous elm trees lining the Yulin River,the forty-three caves house some 250 polychrome statues and 4,200 m2 of wall paintings, dating from the Tang Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty.
Francisco Wu, Toronto


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