SoLost: The World's Largest Treehouse

Описание к видео SoLost: The World's Largest Treehouse

Picture yourself in the 80's. In rural Tennessee. You're a Vietnam vet. You've been partying ever since you got back.

Now picture yourself waking up from a drug overdose. And you're lying on the floor of a wood structure. It's sixty feet off the ground and there's no one else around. It's a treehouse.

So you tell God if he lets you live, you'll change your ways.

Soon after, you burn the treehouse to the ground.

And then the vision comes. God wants you to build another treehouse. The largest treehouse that's ever been.

And so you do.

If that is you, then your name is Horace Burgess of Crossville, Tennessee.

What does your creation look like? See it here.

Producer / Director: Dave Anderson Photography
Editing and Postproduction: Jonathan Childs
Motion Graphics: TJ McCoy
Music: Amman Abbasi
Executive Producer: Warwick Sabin

SoLost is an Oxford American production.

(c) 2012 The Oxford American Literary Project


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