World's Hardest Tower (TERRIFYING) | JToH Whitelist (7 Deaths)

Описание к видео World's Hardest Tower (TERRIFYING) | JToH Whitelist (7 Deaths)

DISCLAIMER: As of 18/12/23, the version of WHT shown in this video is outdated, as multiple buffs have been implemented to make the tower harder. Rest assured that I indeed HAVE completed this buffdate, you can find the raw footage here    • wht buffdate raw  , so all the statistics shown will be based off of the buffdate, but I will show the original stats in brackets as well. Oh ye btw I'm technically the verifier of the buffdate, but forgot to show fps, and Laser beat it shortly after, so gg to him! (even if i got robbed lmao)

📜 Description 📜
If you were to ask what I preferred out of these 2 treeknighterr towers, the extremely ambitious recreation of a timeless flash game, or funny It_Near tower, I'd unironically say the It_Near tower (ToNR). To start with MAJOR positives though, WHT is easily the most creative tower probably ever. I'm not kidding either. It has so many cool and unique mechanics that make the tower an absolute haven of creativity, which I love. The design and gameplay are also pretty damn good. My main problem with this tower really lies in the enjoyment factor, also being the reason I'd much rather play ToNR over WHT. Let me just say that this tower is VERY ANNOYING TO PLAY. It's raw difficulty is terrifying without any doubt, and you're going to loopfail on this tower a load of times, so doing legit runs on the tower can get really repetitive. Regardless, I still had a relatively decent time with the tower (that, and I also managed to beat it in under 24 hours of grinding, which I'd say is pretty damn good).

🧪 Statistics 🧪
Enjoyment: 7/10 (6/10 before buffdate)
In-Game Difficulty: Bottom-Low Terrifying
Personal Difficulty: Baseline Terrifying (High-Peak Extreme before buffdate)
TTT Placement: TBD
Personal TTT Placement: #95 (#71 when i beat it, idk what that would be now)
Hardest Towers Placement: #10 (#8 before buffdate, would've been #5 if WHT was in its current state during my OG completion) (link to the doc with all my hardest towers
Hardest Floor: Floor 10
Easiest Floor: Floor 7
Worst Fail: Floor 8 (Floor 10 x2 originally)

🔥 Top 10 Hardest Towers (Opinionated List) 🔥
1. Tower of Alien Radiance (Low-Mid Terrifying) (#56)
2. Tower of Micro Management (Low Terrifying) (#61)
3. Tower of Frightening Nightmares (Low Terrifying) (#67)
4. Tower of Impossible Movement (Bottom Terrifying) (#65)
5. Tower of Xerically Infuriating Calamity (Bottom Terrifying) (#68)
6. Tower of Externalizing Insanity (Peak Extreme) (#70)
7. Tower of Intricate Precision (High-Peak Extreme) (#69)
8. World's Hardest Tower (High-Peak Extreme) (TBD)
9. Tower of Fractured Memories (High-Peak Extreme) (#72)
10. Tower of Negative Reinforcement (High Extreme) (#71)

⏰ Timestamps ⏰
0:00 - Floor 1
0:33 - Floor 2
1:52 - Floor 3
3:01 - Floor 4
4:40 - Floor 5
6:35 - Floor 6
8:09 - Floor 7
9:33 - Floor 8
11:46 - Floor 9
13:33 - Floor 10
15:12 - Final Stretch
15:58 - Winpad

Raw Footage:    • wor'ds easiest towert  

Tags: jtoh jukes juke's towers of hell tower of hell pixik wht towht tower of world's hardest tower tower terrifying extreme soul crushing completion sc


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