Insider info on IOR Valdada TACTICAL Scopes - Professional Opinion - Rex Reviews

Описание к видео Insider info on IOR Valdada TACTICAL Scopes - Professional Opinion - Rex Reviews

In this video, Rex visits with George Banke of Mirage ULR about IOR Valdada's new lineup of 40mm main tube long range tactical rifle scopes. They discuss the new IOR 5.8-40x56 Crusader, the 12-52x56 Terminator, and the 4-28x50 Recon.

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All the music in this video was created by TiborasaurusRex, an unsigned artist.

Song Title: Wadi Watir, Particle Jam
Music and Lyrics by: TiborasaurusRex
Instrumentation and Vocals by: TiborasaurusRex
Recorded by: TiborasaurusRex


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