Buying a Townhouse or a Condo? Which is Better? Home Search

Описание к видео Buying a Townhouse or a Condo? Which is Better? Home Search

Which would you prefer, a Townhouse or Condo?

Let's compare how each one is unique from the other and which factors bear much weight in today's home buyers :

1. Security
Most condo owners will argue that it is one of the safest place stay in. You basically just have to pack up and lock your doors and the security guards will not allow anyone to enter with out your consent.

While townhomes nowadays have similar security protocols as that of a Condominium, you can safely say that living in a townhouse is very much secure.

2. Amenity
Newer condo developments have much more amenities to offer like adult and kiddie swimming pools, pocket greens, playground and gyms.

Most townhouses with 6 or more units also have either a pool or a spacious garden to offer. But they may be limited to a smaller number since land value has significantly increased even with the pandemic.

3. Association dues
You may have guessed that it is more expensive to stay in a condo when it comes to paying for the monthly dues since a high rise building would consumer power with more elevators for mass access, more overhead for manpower and security as well as maintenance and upkeep of the common areas.

A Townhouse compound may only spend for common area cctv, security guard specifically on the main gates and may not have elevators for common use.

4. Unit sizes
If you prefer more space, the townhouses provide these more as compared to condos, with the exception if you have staying in an older building.

5. Pet policy
Most condos have a strict pet policy in terms of size and number while townhouses have less restrictions.

6. Accessibility
Both have their own pros and cons as the location is dependent upon many factors like your work location, kid's schools, proximity to parents or siblings, among others.

We've covered an extensive list but ultimately it will be your decision as the home buyer. As always we encourage you to ask questions that will help us understand further your needs according to your life stage.

Call your favorite brokers John and Daphne for any questions at 0917-5235646.

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