A Familiar Stranger // A Person To Know

Описание к видео A Familiar Stranger // A Person To Know

We begin our knowing of the Holy Spirit by understanding the teaching of the Trinity. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are not three gods, they’re one God. On the other hand, they’re distinct. It’s not that there is one person who sometimes has his Father hat on, sometimes his Son hat, and sometimes his Holy Spirit hat. There’s not one God and one person, not three gods and three persons. There’s one God in three persons. On the one hand, they’re distinct. They know each other. In one sense, Jesus can leave and the Holy Spirit can come, but in another sense, since they are so one, when you get the one you get them all. And when Jesus left, the Holy Spirit came so that we may continue to the ministry (service) of Jesus today.

Ethos is a life-giving community committed to keeping Jesus at its Center. Our vision is to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did so that we may love all people in Jesus' name.


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