Troponins as Cardiac Biomarker its Importance &Clinical Significance - Cardiac Troponin cTnT, cTnI

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#cardiacbiomarker #cardiacTroponin
This video explains about Cardiac Troponins as Biomarker for heart attack and their clinical significance

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death among adults in the most developed countries and many developing countries.

One of the most important biochemical tests for the assessment of cardiovascular disease is the measurement of cardiac markers.

Cardiac troponins, due to their sensitivity and specificity, have been recommended as biomarkers of choice for diagnosis of myocardial necrosis.

Cardiac troponins are regulatory proteins that control the calcium mediated interaction of actin and myosin resulting in contraction and relaxation of striated muscle.

Cardiac Troponin T [CTnT] and Troponin I [CTnI] are highly sensitive and specific markers of myocardial injury.

There are tissue-specific isoforms of Troponins they are TnI, TnT, and TnC.

Both cardiac and skeletal muscle express troponin C; whereas troponin T and I are generally thought to be cardiac-specific.

When cardiac injury occurs (from ischemia or various other causes), cardiomyocytes release cardiac troponin into the blood in proportion to the degree of damage.

Troponin levels increase within 3 to 4 hours after the onset of damage and remain high for up to 4 to 7 days (troponin I) or 10 to 14 days (troponin T).

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