Ask Anything with Tarot Card - Divine Guidance from the Universe - Read-it-Yourself by Cenba Spread

Описание к видео Ask Anything with Tarot Card - Divine Guidance from the Universe - Read-it-Yourself by Cenba Spread

Hi! My Cenba Tarot Spread #cenba1 is now ready on my channel. Go check it out! #pwtseries
You can #askanything with this #cenbaspread 😉 #divineguidance here, detailed #tarotcards shown there
#silencereading #silencetarotreading

As usual, it isn’t your regular #tarotreading as you have to read it yourself! Who understands your situation the most? You!
I drew the cards for you with the collective energy, so it can be more objective. I’ve been there, asked the same question again & again (a big NoNo but everyone tried that, right?) or drew cards while thinking the answer I’d prefer… Yes, I got the cards I wanted, but did it really help?

With this #tarotspread , you just have to #readityourself on what cards you see. I also drew more cards for each main card to get deeper insights. This spread will show you the past, present & future energy of your current situation, and its cause and effect or the near and distant future energy!
Don’t miss the #pickapilereading Bonus Section, this #pickacardtarotreading also provides you with the energy of other options! Just in case you want to change or twist something. I hope it helps you to make better decision on your situation! All the best 🫶🏼

All readings here are for entertainment purposes only. Remember - We always have free will to change any situation (for good). We are the only one who is responsible for our own choices/decisions as well as our life.


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