disc only out of context cant stop being funny

Описание к видео disc only out of context cant stop being funny

the 5th installment with episodes 21 - 25! im honestly kind of proud of some of the edits i did, although im realizing every second video has messed up audio (which is entirely on me) so ill try not to do that in the future

make sure to sub to he people included in the video
jon -   / @protonjon  
tom fawkes -    / @tomfawkes  
stephen georg -    / @stephenplays  
jerod -    / @the8bitdrummer  
dan -    / @motiondan  
jules (guest) -    / @familyjules7x  
josh jepson (guest) -    / @joshjepson  
supermcgamer (guest) -    / @supermcgamer  
chuggaaconroy (guest) -    / @chugga  

also go watch the podcast, probably the funniest thing ive listened to
   • Disc Only Podcast  


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