Leo王 (Leo Wang) - 消化不良 (Bad Digestion) Full EP

Описание к видео Leo王 (Leo Wang) - 消化不良 (Bad Digestion) Full EP

00:00 消化不良 (Bad Digestion)
03:51 白飯 (Baifun)
07:14 都有體會 (Experienced That)
11:15 鏡子 (Mirror)

Bad Digestion, a four-song EP from Taiwanese hip-hop innovator/songwriter Leo Wang, is a snapshot of life in Taiwan -- or anywhere, for that matter -- in 2021.

Let's start with a familiar everyday scene: you're sitting at a table, chopsticks in one hand, phone in the other. You're shoveling down food with one hand, swiping through emotion and drama with the other.

All this grease and gripe, day in, day out, will eventually get to you. This idea inspired the reggae-driven title track, on which Leo sings: "It's emotion, it's hunger, it's fate, all pulling on me / All these mundane things in the world -- I just want to break free."

Time for a digestif, then. The Taiwanese don't agree on everything, but they agree a meal is always good with white rice, or "Baifun." This cut is Leo's ode to Taiwan's great uniter, and his backing band feeds us a generous serving, dripping with funk.

When the world's hard to swallow, one can medicate, but one can also meditate, as Leo does on the last two songs. The space jazz-rock-infused "Experienced That" reminds us of our cosmic selves, as we are constantly pushed and pulled between positive and negative forces. "Mirror" closes the EP with a morsel of common wisdom worth remembering: when we look at other people, what we actually see is a reflection of ourselves.

Bad Digestion is a release from KAO!INC., and was produced by Jerry Li, who also contributes on electric guitar, and features Adriano Moreira on drums, Eugene Yu (UG) on bass, Tseng-Yi Tseng on keyboard, and Minyen Hsieh on saxophones.

released June 24, 2021


1. 消化不良 (Bad Digestion)

作詞 Lyrics:王之佑 Leo Wang
作曲 Compose:王之佑 Leo Wang、高飛 Adriano Moreira
製作人 Producer:李權哲 Jerry Li
編曲 Arranger:高飛 Adriano Moreira、李權哲 Jerry Li
爵士鼓 Drums:高飛 Adriano Moreira
電貝斯 Bass:俞友楨 UG
主奏吉他 Lead Guitar:李權哲 Jerry Li
節奏吉他 Rhythm Guitar:高飛 Adriano Moreira
鋼琴/風琴 Piano/B3 Organ:曾增譯 Mike Tseng
合成器 Synth:李權哲 Jerry Li
打擊樂 Percussion:李權哲 Jerry Li
和聲 Background Vocals:王之佑 Leo Wang、李權哲 Jerry Li、王彥博 NOTBADYB
O.P.:顏社企業有限公司 KAO!INC.
S.P.:Sony Music Publishing(Pte)Ltd, Taiwan Branch

2. 白飯 (Baifun)

作詞 Lyrics:王之佑 Leo Wang
作曲 Compose:王之佑 Leo Wang、高飛 Adriano Moreira、俞友楨 UG
製作人 Producer:李權哲 Jerry Li
編曲 Arranger:高飛 Adriano Moreira、俞友楨 UG、李權哲 Jerry Li 、王昱辰 Yuchain Wang
爵士鼓 Drums:高飛 Adriano Moreira
電貝斯 Bass:俞友楨 UG
電吉他 Guitar:李權哲 Jerry Li
電鋼琴 Wurlitzer:曾增譯 Mike Tseng
電鋼琴 Fender Rhodes:李權哲 Jerry Li
打擊樂 Percussion:李權哲 Jerry Li
高音薩克斯風/次中音薩克斯風 Soprano/Tenor Saxophones:謝明諺 Minyen Hsieh
長號 Trombone:林庭揚 Brandon Lin
和聲 Background Vocals:王之佑 Leo Wang、李權哲 Jerry Li
O.P.:顏社企業有限公司 KAO!INC.
S.P.:Sony Music Publishing(Pte)Ltd, Taiwan Branch

3. 都有體會 (Experienced That)

作詞 Lyrics:王之佑 Leo Wang
作曲 Compose:王之佑 Leo Wang、高飛 Adriano Moreira、俞友楨 UG
製作人 Producer:李權哲 Jerry Li
編曲 Arranger:高飛 Adriano Moreira、俞友楨 UG、李權哲 Jerry Li
爵士鼓 Drums:高飛 Adriano Moreira
電貝斯 Bass:俞友楨 UG
電吉他/古典吉他 Electric/Nylon Guitars:李權哲 Jerry Li
電鋼琴/合成器 Electric Piano/Synthesizer:曾增譯 Mike Tseng
高音薩克斯風 Soprano Saxophone:謝明諺 Minyen Hsieh
O.P.:顏社企業有限公司 KAO!INC.
S.P.:Sony Music Publishing(Pte)Ltd, Taiwan Branch

4. 鏡子 (Mirror)

作詞 Lyrics:王之佑 Leo Wang
作曲 Compose:王之佑 Leo Wang、高飛 Adriano Moreira、俞友楨 UG、曾增譯 Mike Tseng
製作人 Producer:李權哲 Jerry Li
編曲 Arranger:俞友楨 UG、李權哲 Jerry Li
爵士鼓 Drums:高飛 Adriano Moreira
電貝斯 Bass:俞友楨 UG
電吉他 Guitar:李權哲 Jerry Li
鋼琴 Piano:曾增譯 Mike Tseng
高音薩克斯風/次中音薩克斯風 Soprano/Tenor Saxophones:謝明諺 Minyen Hsieh
長號 Trombone:林庭揚 Brandon Lin
和聲 Background Vocals:李權哲 Jerry Li、王彥博 NOTBADYB
O.P.:顏社企業有限公司 KAO!INC.
S.P.:Sony Music Publishing(Pte)Ltd, Taiwan Branch

拍攝/影像合成 Video Production:呂儀婷 51



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M@M Records
海肯零七 Jr. 黑卡雜誌工作室
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#Leo王 #消化不良


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