【ICP x SIEMENS】 Grid+ Partner Promotion Video 攜手共創全球永續發展的新篇章

Описание к видео 【ICP x SIEMENS】 Grid+ Partner Promotion Video 攜手共創全球永續發展的新篇章

「全球第1支」☝🏻Siemens grid+ 行銷影片

𝑰𝑪𝑷 𝒙 𝑺𝑰𝑬𝑴𝑬𝑵𝑺 𝑨𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏🎬.ᐟ.ᐟ
2024年,加雲聯網(ICP)遠赴德國西門子(SIEMENS)總部,除了與西門子進行交流和學習,還參與了全球首支Siemens grid+經銷夥伴聯合行銷影片的拍攝。影片中展示了ICP與SIEMENS夥伴的緊密合作關係,充分突顯了加雲的實力與專業,使加雲在國際舞台上大放異彩,並能夠站在巨人的肩膀上,看到更廣闊的世界。


In 2024, ICP traveled to the Siemens headquarters in Germany. In addition to engaging in communication and learning with Siemens, they also participated in the filming of the world's first joint marketing video for Siemens grid+ distribution partners. The video showcased the close partnership between ICP and Siemens, highlighting ICP's strength and professionalism, allowing ICP to shine on the international stage and stand on the shoulders of giants to see a broader world.

In the journey of humanity facing climate change, promoting energy transformation, and moving towards net-zero carbon emissions, ICP and SIEMENS are working hand in hand to create cleaner, smarter, and more reliable solutions, supporting the global energy transition and building a more livable Earth for the next generation.



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