
Описание к видео Cybertruck

A special toy for a special child. Almost every boy wants a car for his toy. Bigger is better. And when you grow up, the car needs to be the right one:) and even the best. This time I shared my good deeds again, which I still have happy memories of.
From a piece of new beam, I cut the desired shape, which represents the Cybertruck. I cut the wheels with a hacksaw. I made grooves with a chisel, added screws. There was a lot of sanding and in the end I varnished it several times with boat varnish to preserve the product for the longest time. I bolted and oiled all the wheels. I worked with joy and interest the whole time, because it was also my first time.
Enjoy watching as I enjoy working. Let the inner child awaken in you too:) Damijan, @Wood makes me feel good
Posebna igrača za posebnega otroka. Skoraj vsak fantek si želi za svojo igračo avto. Večji je boljši je. In ko odrasteš rabi biti avto pravi:) pa še najboljši. Tokrat sem spet delil svoja dobra dela, na kar imam še vedno vesele spomine.
Iz kosa novega tramu, sem izrezal željeno obliko, katera predstavlja Cybertruck. Kolesa sem izrezal s kronsko žago. Z dletom sem naredil koloteke, dodal vijake. Brušenja je bilo kar dosti in na koncu večkrat polakiral z lakom za čolne, da se bo izdelek najdlje ohranil. Vsa kolesa sem privijačil in namazal z oljem. Cel čas sem delal z veseljem in zanimanjem, saj je bilo tudi to zame prvič.
Uživajte ob ogledu, kot sem jaz ob delu. Naj se tudi v tebi vzbudi notranji otrok:) Damijan, @Wood makes me feel good


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