Do you have Transporter DRIVE SHAFT JUDDER? We have the solution!

Описание к видео Do you have Transporter DRIVE SHAFT JUDDER? We have the solution!

Do you have a LOW VW Transporter that judders when you accelerate or when cornering? If so you need to watch this video, as we may have the fix!! Solow shorter drive shafts are here!!

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The Solow shortened drive shafts have been a long time in development and production. We wanted to do long term tests before we brought them to market. At the time of this we only offer shortened drive shafts for some T5.1, and all T6 and T6.1, 5 speed models. The others will come in time, but down to the cost in development, we couldn't do them all at once. Next up is the T6 and T6.1 150 DSG models. We have now been testing these for a while and really pleased with the results. Drive shaft judder GONE!!

These shafts aren't only just to stop judder, they are also a precautionary measure to protect your gear box when going really low. We're talking Solow LOW coilovers and AiR suspension mainly.

These Solow shortened drive shafts are OEM quality with a 2 year warranty.

These are factory made shorter and to the highest quality. Not budget shafts just cut down. These are custom made to our dimensions.

Please check the part numbers on your existing drive shafts before ordering. If we don't currently offer shafts for your vehicle, please comment below, which engine and gearbox you have. This will help us know which models to focus on next.

Please note, we can not guarantee these will fix your issue. Your judder could be caused by something else. Having said that, 90% off the time, the judder sensation in low low vans, comes from the drive shafts.

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As always, thanks for watching.

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All Summer by George Georgia,!THQ+Aut... License ID: 1NpyaPqOpB5
Chill Vibe by Martin Felix Kaczmarski, License ID: 4n1AmVD81mX

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