The Universe Has Bigger Plans For You! ⭐ Abraham Hicks 2024

Описание к видео The Universe Has Bigger Plans For You! ⭐ Abraham Hicks 2024

❇️ Abraham explains how true success comes from alignment with your inner being rather than following conventional paths and seeking external validation. Using the example of someone pursuing a career in astrophysics, they explain that while credentials have their place, it's your connection to source energy and allowing your natural genius to flow that creates extraordinary results. They emphasize that all great innovations throughout history came from those who dared to think differently and trusted their inspiration over conventional wisdom.

🔹 Chapters
00:00 Desire vs Fear
02:54 Following Inner Guidance
06:01 Beyond Basic Credentials
09:40 True Source of Power
12:31 Closing Inspiration

#AbrahamHicks #Inspiration #PersonalGrowth #Authenticity #Success #SelfTrust #Alignment #InnerGuidance #Manifestation #Dreams

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