Racial Representation in Mainstream Media | Reeti Malhotra | TEDxYouth@SJII

Описание к видео Racial Representation in Mainstream Media | Reeti Malhotra | TEDxYouth@SJII

Reeti Malhotra is passionate about her topic - racial representation in the media we consume. She is a 15-year-old Grade 9 student at Saint Joseph’s Institution International. Growing up as a Singaporean of Indian roots, she has always been surrounded by a melting pot of rich cultures that crafted her interest in both social and political issues that she observed in the world around her. Whether it be debates on the definition of morality or gun control, she has always been at the forefront, eager to learn, lend a helping hand, and ready to acquire new levels of understanding on a variety of subjects. Reeti is an active member of Model United Nations, a variety of Student Councils (including her school’s Junior and Service Councils), as well as enjoys playing team sports such as netball and volleyball while pursuing a passion for the arts, specifically theatre. From a young age, she has been aware of the lack of racial representation of minorities in mainstream media and how this has a powerful impact on self-esteem, racial stereotypes, and has the potential to diminish the scope of opportunities for said marginalised groups. Believing it is a hidden yet sinister issue in the rapidly growing, media and technology-oriented world around us, she wants to inspire powerful conversations that will hopefully soon lead to change. Reeti Malhotra is a 15-year-old Grade 9 student at SJII. Growing up as a Singaporean of Indian roots, she has always been surrounded by rich cultures that crafted her interest in both social and political issues that she observed. Whether it be debates on the definition of morality or gun control, she has always been at the forefront, eager to learn, lend a helping hand, and ready to acquire new levels of understanding. Reeti is an active member of MUN, a variety of Student Councils, and enjoys playing team sports like netball and volleyball while pursuing a passion for the arts, specifically theatre. She has been aware of the lack of racial representation of minorities in mainstream media and how this has a powerful impact on self-esteem, racial stereotypes, and the scope of opportunity. Believing it is a hidden yet sinister issue in the rapidly growing, media and technology-oriented world around us, she wants to inspire powerful conversations that soon lead to change. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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