New Year Scuba Diving - Ep 33

Описание к видео New Year Scuba Diving - Ep 33

Welcome to episode 33!

Happy New Year!

In this episode, Holly, Dwayne, Darcy & Mark head out on Dwayne's boat to the East of Bermuda on New Year's Day. They head to go dive and explore the wreck of the SS Pelinaion.

Come dive in with us to explore this amazing wreck!

Dive Sites:
SS Pelinaion Shipwreck

Pelinaion History:

Built in 1907 at Port Glasgow and originally named the Hill Glen, this large cargo steamer with a 50-foot beam changed ownership numerous times before she was purchased by a Greek shipping company and given the name, the Pelinaion, in 1939. The following year, the ship was carrying a cargo of manganese and iron ore from West Africa to Baltimore. Because of World War II, the British had blacked out the lighthouse in a bid to stop the Germans from spying on Bermuda. Without the lighthouse to guide him, Captain Janis Valikos – who had sailed past Bermuda many times before and was on his final voyage before retirement -- couldn’t find the island until he ran aground a mile from Copper’s Island near St. David’s Head. The Pelinaion split into two sections on January 16, 1940.


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Cameras we use:
Aerials: DJI Mavic Pro 2
Underwater: GoPro Hero 9 Black
Underwater Lighting: SeaLife Sea Dragon 2000 Video Lights

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