Night Shots by Dashiell Hammett

Описание к видео Night Shots by Dashiell Hammett

Narrated by Jeff Ronan

Catch him on Instagram at @jeff.ronan

"Night Shots" - Hammett's Noir Intricacy:

In Dashiell Hammett's story "Night Shots," the nameless detective of the Continental Detective Agency is thrust into a perplexing case that blends a domestic quagmire with an external mystery. The narrative unfolds as the Op receives an assignment to investigate an attempted murder on Talbert Exon, a cantankerous businessman recovering from pneumonia in his home in Knownburg, San Joaquin County.

Hammett, writing for "Black Mask," aptly describes the detective's entanglement in a "sweet little domestic mess," capturing the essence of the story's intrigue. As the detective delves into the investigation, he grapples with the complexities of the case, showcasing Hammett's knack for weaving intricate plots that extend beyond the mere discharge of firearms.

The tale not only exemplifies Hammett's signature hardboiled style but also illustrates his ability to inject excitement into the narrative, ensuring that suspense arises not solely from the business end of a gun but from the multifaceted layers of the mystery itself.


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