Marriage Counseling: Rebuilding Trust

Описание к видео Marriage Counseling: Rebuilding Trust

TOPIC: Rebuilding Trust After a Betrayal
HANDOUTS: You can request the handouts I provided by sending me an email at [email protected].
You can reach me at: 214-636-5889

After Forgiveness, Re-Building Trust after Betrayal
Different Cultural Styles
Trust is a Decision
Time and Forgiveness are Keys to Rebuilding Trust
Let Your Anger Out
Resolve to Let it Out and Then Let it Go
Know that things can never go back to the way they were


7:55 RedRoom-798109: Welcome to the Red Room! This is Heather - glad you joined me tonight!
8:02 RedRoom-798109: Tonight: ReBuilding Trust.
8:05 RedRoom-556930: Heather I know I should want to "rebuild" as you say, but I can't honestly say that I think it's a good idea in my case. How do I know when it's wise to move on?
8:10 RedRoom-556930: Can I rebuild? I would say it's not up to me.
8:11 RedRoom-556930: It is he that should do the rebuilding
8:12 RedRoom-556930: Sometimes I can see him the way he was in the past and I really miss that
8:12 RedRoom-556930: So I'm in a sad state on indecision
8:14 RedRoom-556930: *of indecision
8:20 RedRoom-556930: yes that makes sense
8:45 RedRoom-167439: heather yes, this is a very good topic
8:46 RedRoom-167439: and applies to me (a little) as well
8:55 RedRoom-843303: thank you, you have made me think about alot of things in the past
8:55 RedRoom-843303: the way I handle things incorrectly.
8:59 RedRoom-917309: Thanks Heather. Goodnight!
8:59 RedRoom-167439: thank you Heather!

WEBSITE: For more information, visit my website at


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