Lära- I'll Stay (2022 Tiny Desk Contest Submission)

Описание к видео Lära- I'll Stay (2022 Tiny Desk Contest Submission)

Hi everyone! I'm really proud to share my submission for NPR's 2022 Tiny Desk Contest. This is my first time submitting. A little bit about me, I'm a baroque pop-soul indie artist and I just released by first ever EP, Iron Ink, last December. I spent quarantine 2020 recording the EP and studying via Zoom with my super cool producer Brent Paschke, learning all the ins and outs of music recording and production.

I know it's probably non-traditional to submit as a producer, but nowadays I feel most at home behind my mic and at my desk (appropriate), playing with Logic for hours. I'm also so proud to have joined the small 2.6% of woman producers in the industry, and I wanted to celebrate that. You can see my production session open on my monitor behind me as I recorded this live!

This is one of my newer songs, I'll Stay, written and produced fully by me. It's still a work in progress, but I'm hoping to release it soon.

Listen to my EP here: https://lnk.to/ironink
Listen to my most recent single here: https://lnk.to/icicleeyes
My website is here: www.musicbylara.com

Make sure to find and follow me on Instagram and Tiktok, @musicbylara!

Shoutout to my very good friend Colleen McCandless who encouraged me to submit this year. Can't wait to see everyone's amazing entries!


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