Stocks to Buy: GSAH GS Acquisition Holdings 2021 02 19

Описание к видео Stocks to Buy: GSAH GS Acquisition Holdings 2021 02 19

Stocks to Buy: GSAH GS Acquisition Holdings 2021 02 19

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In our videos, the opportunities to buy and sell us-based stocks are discussed. As the analysis is given in advance, it is usually actual even 1-5 weeks after the publication. The date of the video does not indicate that it is old or outdated, but a moment when the stock did fall under our consideration. Hence, checking videos of 2-3 weeks old makes perfect sense to hook a stock for an upcoming reversal.

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Disclaimer: This channel and video are not registered stock advisors! Trading stocks is risky and may lead to financial losses. This channel and video only provide a free and non-liable opinion. The channel and no other party take no responsibility for any possible financial and non-financial consequences that may occur by using this opinion-video or from other other source of information. You trade stocks and make decision on your own risk and responsibility. Always do your own research.

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