87. 药师如来!药师如来! 消灾延寿药师佛!Medicine Master Buddha ! Lengthen life & quail disaster! 11/26/24

Описание к видео 87. 药师如来!药师如来! 消灾延寿药师佛!Medicine Master Buddha ! Lengthen life & quail disaster! 11/26/24

药师如来!药师如来! 消灾延寿药师佛!Medicine Master Buddha recitation! Lengthen life & quail disaster!

108*5 9/4/24
108*4 5/20/24
108*3 2/1/24
108*2 10/11/23
108*1 6/18/23

1) Merit transferred for all beings in the dharma realm to certify Buddhahood.
2) Merit transferred for rebirth to Amitabha Pureland at the end of this life time for oneself and all living beings in the Dharma realm.


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