मममाता देवता। कल्ये बुध्यति मम जननी । अमरवाणी । संस्कृतगीतम् । Mama Mata devata। Kalye budaythi।

Описание к видео मममाता देवता। कल्ये बुध्यति मम जननी । अमरवाणी । संस्कृतगीतम् । Mama Mata devata। Kalye budaythi।

👉 प्रायः मातुः प्रेम एव दैविकप्रेम इव निरपेक्षम्।
अनुकम्पा मातुः प्रेम्णा तुल्या भवति इति कारणेन कवयः तस्य दैविकरूपस्य स्तवनम् अकृत्वा स्थातुं न शक्तवन्तः ।
शिशोः मातुः च सर्वाः चेष्टाः कालं देशं च अतिक्रम्य वर्तमानाः सर्वप्रियाः भवन्ति ।
इदं प्रभातम् । एकस्य नवदिनस्य आरम्भः ।
शान्तिपूर्णायां निद्रायां शयानां बालिकां सान्त्वनस्नेहपूर्णस्य दिनस्य प्रतीक्षया उत्थापयितुं मातुः मधुरः स्वरः एव पर्याप्तः ।
यावद्दिनं मातुः एकैका चेष्टा सान्त्वनस्य मृदुस्नेहस्य च भवति । बालिकायाः शब्देभ्यः तदधिकृत्य शृणुयाम– कल्ये बुध्यति मम जननी ॥
Maybe, mother's adoration is similarly pretty much as unqualified as Divine love!
Sympathy is so inseparable from nurturing love that artists couldn't yet sing in recognition of its glorious structure! The demonstrations and deeds of mother and kid have been evergreen top choices rising above existence! It is morning and the start of another day. For the kid in quiet sleep, nothing will get the job done except for the caring voice of her mom to awaken her to a day brimming with guarantee and love! As the day progressed, every single deed of her mom is that of worship and delicate love! Allow us to hear it again through her reality and her words – kalye budhyati mom jananī!

* गायिकाः
कार्त्तिका वैद्यनाथन्
* गीतकारः
को. रणजित्
पूर्णकालिकः शिक्षकः, संस्कृतभारती
* Vocalist
Karthika Vaidyanathan
Full-time worker, Teacher, saṁskṛta bhāratī

संस्कृत सुभाषितम् {Subhashitam}
वाक् चक्षु:श्रोत्रलयं लक्ष्मीः कुरुते नरस्य को दोषः |
गरलसहोदरजाता न मारयति यच्च नच्चित्रम् ||

vaak chakShuhshrotralayam lakShmih kurute narasya ko doShah |
garalasahodarajaataa na maarayati yaccha nachchitram ||

If the faculties of speaking, seeing, and hearing of persons favored by Goddess Lakshmi (rich persons) become deteriorated, then is there any fault on their part? Is it not surprising that being the real sister of the most potent poison ‘Halaahala’, she does not kill them?
(Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth, and Halaahala, the poison were both born during the legendary ‘Samudra Manthan’. Using this simile, according to which both are sisters, the author of this Subhashita has made sarcastic remarks on the tendency of rich persons being oblivious of ordinary persons’ woes and insensitive in their speech bordering on arrogance.)


Samskrita Bharati: संस्कृतभारती

for more details

Samskrutha Bharathi
Brahmavidya Kuteer, Puppalaguda Rd,
Secretariat Colony,
Sriram Nagar Colony,
Puppalguda, Hyderabad, Telangana 500075

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जयतु भारतम् !!


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#मममातादेवता #ममजननी #अमरवाणी
Sanskrit Language,Jayatu,Samskrutam,sanskrit,songs2021,sanskrit songs 2021,sanskrit geet,sanskrit geetam,sanskrit ganga,amarvani,संस्कृतगीतम्,पाठयेम संस्कृतम्,संस्कृतवाहिनी,जयतु संस्कृतम्,Jayatu Samskrutam,जयतु भारतम्,jayatu bharatam,sarala,rss song,sevika samithi,sarala bhasha samskritam,vadatu,pathatu,vadatu samskritam,sanskrit language teaching,krutva,krutva nava,manasa satatam smaraneeyam,मम माता,कल्ये बुध्यति,mama mata


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