TQM Obstacles | Introduction to Total Quality Management | Total Quality Management

Описание к видео TQM Obstacles | Introduction to Total Quality Management | Total Quality Management

TQM Obstacles | Introduction to Total Quality Management | Total Quality Management

The Total Quality Management (TQM) Obstacles or Roadblocks:
Lack of Management Commitment, Inability to Change Organizational Culture, Improper Planning, Lack of Continuous Training and Education, Incompatible Organizational Structure and Isolated Individuals and Departments, Ineffective Measurement Techniques and Lack of Access to Data and Results, Inadequate Attention to Internal and External Customers, Inadequate Use of Empowerment and Teamwork, Failure to Continually Improve.

0:00 Introduction
1:39 Obstacles In TOM Implementation
4:22 Inability to Change Organizational Culture
11:23 Improper Planning
14:00 Lack of Continuous Training and Education
19:47 Ineffective Measurement Techniques and Lack of Access to Data and Results
21:40 Inadequate Attention to Internal and External Customers
23:59 Inadequate Use of Empowerment and Teamwork
26:11 Failure to Continually Improve

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