The Magician Who Flew First Powered Aircraft in Australia

Описание к видео The Magician Who Flew First Powered Aircraft in Australia

The first successful aviator in Australia was a Hungarian-born American illusionist and stunt performer, noted for his sensational escape acts. Aircrafts were in its infancy and flying was still a life and death adventure, which attracted the world-famous escape artist Harry Houdini to the thrill of flying an aircraft. Just six years before, on December 17, 1903, two brothers, Wilbur and Orville Wright made four brief flights at Kitty Hawk, a powered aircraft, the duo invented. At 7 ‘o’ clock in the morning on 18 March 1910, Harry Houdini made the first powered, controlled, sustained flight of an aircraft in Australia at Plumpton Dam, Diggers Rest, 33km north west from Melbourne CBD. This video is about Harry Houdini's fist flight in Melbourne


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