ALL Mini-Bosses + Bosses | ScourgeBringer

Описание к видео ALL Mini-Bosses + Bosses | ScourgeBringer

0:00 Eye Construct (Mini-Bosses)
0:41 Original Crab-bot
1:12 Ancient Devil
1:37 Omega Prism-bot
2:03 Primitive Hardened-devil
2:31 Splat-fly Queen
3:06 Plasma Saw-bot
3:59 First Spore
4:30 Decadent Waste-devil
5:07 Prehistoric Deformed-devil
5:36 Omega Search-prism
5:58 Horned-devil King
6:22 Primordial Ignis
7:03 Initial Bomb
7:40 Twilight Chaos-devil
8:10 Judge BodyBoulder (Bosses)
8:54 Judge CandleMask
9:37 Judge Bileranha
10:20 Judge NightWeaver
11:08 Kriterion, Herald of Judgement
12:06 Greed, the Seeker of Power
12:54 EndMonger, the Preyer of Worlds

Playlist:    • ScourgeBringer  

ScourgeBringer is a fast-paced free-moving roguelite platformer. Help Kyhra to explore the unknown and slash her way through ancient machines guarding the seal of her past, and maybe the redemption of humanity.

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