How to Grom Your Surfboard to Create Custom Art with Dish Soap and Spraypaint

Описание к видео How to Grom Your Surfboard to Create Custom Art with Dish Soap and Spraypaint

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Acrylic spray paint
painter's tape
dish soap
gloss acrylic clear coat

This is a really cool technique with endless possibilities. Plus, it's super easy!
You can use a template from our site to sketch out your design first.
Here, we just taped off the center and used the clear of the board as our base color. (Note: You can spray paint another color on first that will show through the soap streaks, just make sure the color contrasts well with the top color).
Then you just do a random pattern with dish soap. Do it as quickly as possible because it will run. Then just spray paint over top of the soap getting an even coat all over the design.
Once the paint is dry, rinse off the soap with a hose.
Should turn out really sick!
Be sure to protect your design with gloss acrylic clear coat.

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