How to Fold your Foldy

Описание к видео How to Fold your Foldy

Foldies will be sold separately in the future: We're working hard to get the highest-quality Foldies to you soon!)

Edit from Cary: (if you really are curious about how to make an origami dodecahedron). The original instructions came from this book called "GeoGami":
From which I (Cary) made a tutorial on how to fold dodecahedrons, cubes, tetrahedrons, and hexaflexagons when I was eleven: (Now difficult to view because it was made with Flash)

As for the actual folding process: The actual size of the paper doesn't matter too much. What's important is that the aspect ratio is 3:4. That means papers of 4.5 x 6.0 inches will give you a small-ish dodecahedron (baseball-sized), whereas papers of 9 x 12 inches will give you a huge dodecahedron (basketball-sized!)

Also, for step 10 (0:47), you will get better results the more precise you are. Place the angled point at the "top" and the long, straight edge on the "bottom". Then, when you fold each flap inward, the upper corner of each flap should directly rest on the central vertical fold line, AND the upper edge of each flap should be exactly parallel with the long, straight, bottom baseline. It takes some fidgeting to get both things to work out right, but you don't need to be exact. As long as you're within a quarter-inch or so, the pentagon should be close enough to regular to work!

Voice: Cindy Jiang
Cinematography: Maroue Reus
Audio: Amor Boretto
Acting, Editing, Animation: Satomi Hinatsu
Music, Scream: Michael Huang


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