Syed Qari Ali Sadaqat - Surah Al Waqiah

Описание к видео Syed Qari Ali Sadaqat - Surah Al Waqiah

The beautiful and breathtaking Quran recitation by Syed Sadaqat Ali of surah Al-Waqi'ah

Al-Waqiah is an Arabic word that means Inevitable, Event or Revolution. The 56th Surah (Chapter) of the Qur'an is also called Al-Waqiah, it was revealed in Mecca. The total number of verses in this surah are 96.

Abdullah ibn Mas'ud reported that the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) said, "Whoever recites Surah al Waqiah at night would never encounter poverty."
Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) said, "Surah al Waqiah is the Surah (Chapter) of Wealth, so recite it and teach it to your children."

Rather, we have been prevented! '﴾67﴿ Have you thought about the water you drink?﴾68﴿ Is it you that send it down from the clouds or We?﴾69﴿ If We will, We would make it bitter, why then do you not give thanks?﴾70﴿ Have you thought about the fire you kindle?﴾71﴿ Is it you that originated its tree, or are We the Originator?﴾72﴿ We have made it a reminder, and a blessing to the traveler.﴾73﴿ Then, exalt the Name of your Lord, the Great.﴾74﴿ I swear by the fallings of the stars﴾75﴿ and that is a mighty oath, if you but knew﴾76﴿ it is indeed a Glorious Koran,﴾77﴿ in a Book protected (from tampering)﴾78﴿ which none shall touch except the purified;﴾79﴿ a sending down from the Lord of all the Worlds.﴾80﴿ What, do you hold this discourse in disdain,﴾81﴿ do you make it your provision to belie it?﴾82﴿ Why, then, when the soul leaps up to the throat of the dying﴾83﴿ and you are watching at that time﴾84﴿ We are nearer to him than you, but you do not see﴾85﴿ why then, if you are not revived,﴾86﴿ do you not restore his soul, if you are truthful?﴾87﴿ If he is among the near﴾88﴿ there shall be calmness and ease, a Garden of Delight.﴾89﴿ If he is a Companion of the Right﴾90﴿ (he will be greeted with): 'Peace be upon you, Companion of the Right! '﴾91﴿ But, if he is of those who belied, and went astray,﴾92﴿ there shall be a hospitality of boiling water,﴾93﴿ and a roasting in Hell.﴾94﴿ Indeed, this is the certain truth.﴾95﴿ So exalt the Name of your Lord, the Great.﴾96﴿


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