Zero को Zero से भाग देने से क्यों डरते थे गणितज्ञ | Zero Divide By Zero

Описание к видео Zero को Zero से भाग देने से क्यों डरते थे गणितज्ञ | Zero Divide By Zero

Mathematicians were confused on why we can't divide by zero, meanwhile they come acroos a new problem on how to divide zero by zero.

Division By Zero
Division by zero with any number is undefined. The word division means splitting something into equal parts or groups so that it is shared evenly among everyone. Whereas the value of zero as a number is nothing. It is placed before 1, is an even number that is neither positive nor negative. Let us learn more about division by zero and solve a few examples.

What is Division By Zero?
Division by zero is considered as undefined where zero is the denominator or the division and is expressed as a/0, a being a number or numerator or dividend. In other words, dividing zero with any number will always give us a zero not matter with multiplication or division. Since multiplication and division go hand in hand, the division of zero can also mean multiplying with zero. For example, 7/0 = x or 0 × x = 5. Here x has no value or number to complete the equation. Hence, division by zero of any number is undefined.
One Divided By Zero
One divided by zero is also considered as undefined. According to mathematicians, any non-zero number either positive or negative divided by zero is undefined because there is no value. For instance, let us try to define 1/0. If we divide a non-zero number with a small positive number we do derive at a value. The small positive number is close to zero but not zero.

1/0.1 = 10 , 1/0.01 = 100, 1/0.000001 = 1000000

Hence, as we divide one by smaller and smaller positive numbers we get larger and larger positive numbers. Therefore, 1/0 = + infinity. When we divided negative numbers that are close to zero, we get:

1/-0.1 = -10 , 1/-0.01 = -100, 1/-0.000001 = -1000000

One divided by a negative number closer to zero brings in a different result that is closer to negative infinity. Therefore, 1/0 = -infinity. Hence, one divided by zero has no answer which results in being undefined.

Facts About Division and Zero
Given below are some facts about division and zero.

Any number divided by 1(the quotient equals the dividend), gives the answer the same as the dividend. In other words, 1 is the divisor and the quotient will be equal to the dividend. For examples: 25 ÷ 1 = 25.
A number cannot be divided by 0 and the result is thus undefined. Example: 78 ÷ 0 = undefined (but 0 ÷ 78 = 0).
When the dividend equals the divisor, which means the same numbers but not 0, then the answer is always 1. For examples: 36 ÷ 36 = 1.
Zero is a real number, an integer, a rational number, and a whole number.
Zero is always neutral i.e. zero is never written like +0 or -0.
The power of any number that is raised by zero is always one.

We know two facts about zero:

Any fraction when has a zero in the numerator will give a decimal value of zero only.
Any fraction with zero in the denominator will have an infinite value of its decimal form.
Thus, using both the rules given above, it is impossible to come to a conclusion when 0 is divided by 0. Hence, we give the solution as undefined.

Thus, 0 divided by 0 is undefined.

Keywords: 0\0 | zero divide by zero | how we can divide by zero | what is zero divide by zero | division by zero | 1/0 | why we cannot divide by zero | infinity explained | divide by zero | meaning of 0/0 | why 0/0 is undefined

#zerodividebyzero #0/0 #dividebyzero #1/0 #divisionbyzero #fearofzero

Scripted By: Ghatak Thakur
Voice Over By: Dheemraj
Music: Maestro Tlakaelel
Artist: jesse Gallagher

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