Adorable Puppy Loves His New Best Friends! (They're The Cutest!!)

Описание к видео Adorable Puppy Loves His New Best Friends! (They're The Cutest!!)

Little man loves his little people, he follows Nathan and Amelia everywhere. He kept trying to jump up when Nathan was on the swing so we decided to put him in it and he instantly looked ever so comfortable. The little guy can sleep anywhere at the moment! I remember when Teddy was a bit older than he is now and we put him in the same swing it was adorable. Nathan is a bit rough and tumble sometimes being a boy so you have to watch him as he'll get carried away on account of wanting to do everything like his Dad! The kids love the trampoline in fact they love everything when you play with them, their laughs are just infectious. Teddy goes super speed if you watch til the end, he races the electric motorbike which will get up to 50mph eventually! he loves to chase it round the garden then at the end have a relaxing chat with puppy on the grass! I'm sure your all waiting to see how Teddy and Niko reacted to meeting the puppy? Well we have to show Amelia first, oh and the cats! Little dog is doing great settling to new environments animals and constantly having interaction to engage him. He'll grow so fast though this stage doesn't last long!


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